UC 14

Our annual BaSYS User Conference will take place from June 5th to 6th. June 2024 in Bamberg.

IFAT 2024

We’ll be there again in 2024: Meet us in the largest area in Hall B2, Stand 153.

Online Seminare

Get to know special functions using practical examples.


Compact, understandable and tailored to the needs and previous knowledge of our participants.

Software and IT solutions

Since 1991, Barthauer Software GmbH has been developing cutting-edge software for water and infrastructure management. The database-based network information system called BaSYS is the company’s major product. The core support and development center of BARTHAUER is located in Braunschweig. Its highly motivated staff members combine the finest aspects of software technology and engineering in a dedicated and professional manner, ensuring a constantly updated software version in the hands of its users.

With other offices in Potsdam, Munich, and Würzburg, as well as a subsidiary in Sousse, France, the company has its headquarters located in Braunschweig, Germany. With certified sales partners and authorized trainers, the BARTHAUER partner model provides both domestic and international proximity to our customers. BARTHAUER supplies are available in multiple languages and can be used globally due to the system’s language independence. BARTHAUER products are already being successfully used by over 1,000 customers, so far. Barthauer Software GmbH is part of the BARTHAUER GROUP.

One solution for all departments

Bundle resources, increase efficiency and thus minimize costs? With our “BaSYS” system, you manage your networks and facilities of the above-ground and underground infrastructure together in one application. Thanks to the uniform structure, the data is stored in a central database. Curious?


Waste water





Bundle competencies

You don’t need to know everything; you only need to know where it is.” Our goal is to combine competencies by finding common ground, combining skills and creating synergies. We are committed to living in cooperation instead of despairing competition, that’s our premise! Collaboration encourages and inspires us in our daily work. We welcome new partnerships and are grateful for existing ones with:

We integrated bluemetric’s know-how for calculating the separate wastewater charge into our graphic models. The result is:


We have implemented the MIKE 1D calculation core developed by DHI for hydrodynamic network calculation in our BaSYS KanDATA. The result is:


To preserve value through forward-thinking network management, we rely on the expertise of the engineering firm STEIN & PARTNER.


INTERGEO 2024 | Stand A3.035

Auf der Suche nach einer individuellen Lösung?

INTERGEO is the trade fair and conference for geodesy, geoinformation and land management. This year it will take place in Stuttgart from September 24 to 26. Visit us at stand A3.035.

Das Foto zeigt Menschen die in einer Gruppe beisammenstehen und sich unterhalten.

Are you up for a business meeting?

Lust auf einen fachlichen Austausch?

If yes, you should definitely attend one of our free user meetings where we can discuss current issues, offer solutions, and give us inspiration for the future.

Are you ready to switch careers ?

Bereit für eine berufliche Veränderung?

Apply with us then! We are always trying to expand our workforce– unsolicited applications are welcome.

Barthauer App

With a variety of interactive and multimedia elements, including audio content, image collections, training videos, online links, and current news, the BaSYS WebKiosk goes beyond conventional text-based diffusion.

  • Simple access to pertinent information and organisational knowledge

  • Interactive features and multimedia content

  • User-friendly application

  • Automatic synchronisation