With BaSYS LILA, freely definable longitudinal sections of pipes can
Introduction to OPATH queries
Barthauer.de Support-News2024-05-02T12:34:08+02:00In this seminar the handling of the OPATH query designer
Longitudinal planning section
Barthauer.de Support-News2024-05-02T13:49:04+02:00In this seminar, the handling of the planning longitudinal section
SanA – Redevelopment Assistant
Barthauer.de Support-News2024-05-02T17:14:08+02:00In this seminar, the handling of the remediation assistant integrated
Comparative costing
Barthauer.de Support-News2024-05-02T13:12:40+02:00In this seminar the handling of the cost comparison calculation
Cost estimation
Barthauer.de Support-News2024-05-02T13:25:38+02:00In this seminar, the handling of the cost estimation integrated
Model designer
Barthauer.de Support-News2024-05-02T15:42:56+02:00In this seminar the handling of the model designer responsible
PIETS test
Barthauer.de Support-News2024-05-02T16:36:28+02:00ISYBAU and DWA XML files can be checked for conformity
ASCII Import
Barthauer.de Support-News2024-05-02T13:05:04+02:00In this seminar the import of different ASCII and/or Shape
Barthauer.de Support-News2024-05-02T17:18:46+02:00Segments are needed to manage and graphically display lines in
Barthauer.de Support-News2024-05-02T12:39:49+02:00In this seminar the basics of hydrodynamic calculation are explained
Rain Manager
Barthauer.de Support-News2024-05-02T17:05:23+02:00In this seminar it will be shown how the synthesis