29. March 2023

BARTHAUER on the INTERGEO in Essen, Germany

BARTHAUER will again be represented with its own booth at INTERGEO from October 18 to 20, 2022. At booth C1.036, the Braunschweig-based software company will show established products as well as innovations and expects the world’s leading trade fair for geodesy, geoinformation and land management to be the perfect platform for an industry exchange almost like in pre-pandemic times.

In addition to IFAT in Munich, INTERGEO has been the main regular event in the Barthauer Software GmbH calendar for years. This year’s appearance in Essen is planned with an own booth, a new sales team as well as trend-setting innovations around the infrastructure management system BaSYS.

The main product BaSYS as a specialized and at the same time holistic specialized application for the specialized shells waste water, water, gas, cable, road and inventory will play a pivotal role in the fair presentation. The presentation will be flanked by the presentation of some special components and innovations. With BaSYS maps, visitors to the trade fair will be offered an intuitively operable information solution, which is also available as a web component in addition to the classic desktop variant. Based on maps, it is possible to navigate through sewage networks, water supply pipes or roads. What is the condition of the pipe and is it in operation? When was the pipe built and of what material? Is it perhaps damaged and is there already a rehabilitation plan? Which connection nodes are present? BaSYS maps provides answers to all these questions.

“With BaSYS maps, we have launched a very successful new user interface in recent months, which implements the interlocking of underground supply and disposal lines with the management of the above-ground road space in an intuitive and easy-to-use manner,” says Dr. Florian Winter, Head of Sales at BARTHAUER. “Targeting specific groups, we will therefore use INTERGEO to also position our product range and make new contacts in the areas of Smart City and BIM.”

Contact persons at this year’s INTERGEO booth C1.036 will be Jörn Heuer, Account Manager North, as well as BARTHAUER partner Marc Hoffmann.